
Treaty of collaboration between MPEI and Tallinn University of Technology was successfully signed


The list of international partners of MPEI is broadening, as a treaty between MPEI and TTU, Estonia, has been signed.

Tallinn University of Technology (TTU) was founded in 1918 and now it is the largest university of the Estonia capital, comprising 12000 students. The basic accent of the collaboration development between MPEI and TTU is made on:

1) Academic Mobility of the students and teaching staff.

2) Joint research activity for the full specter of research directions and forms. For instance, the Electrical Machine Group is the centre of our Universities’ common research activity now.


Создан в 03.08.2018 15:08 пользователем: Горбунова Анна Олеговна
Изменен в 03.08.2018 15:09 пользователем: Горбунова Анна Олеговна
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