
Congratulations to MPEI Alumnus Andras Cserhati


At the beginning of 2019 MPEI Alumnus of 1976 (Heat Power Engineering Faculty) Andras Cserhati, Hungary, was elected President of Hungarian Nuclear Society. On behalf of MPEI, we sincerely congratulate Andras with his high esteem in Hungary, wishing him good health, higher spirits and continued success in all his endeavors!
It is worth admitting that MPEI made a valuable contribution to the Hungarian Nuclear Power Engineering development. Overall 305 Hungarian students graduated from MPEI, 9 among them received Ph.D. degree. Some of them have worked in Power Engineering, in particular, at the first Hungarian Nuclear Power Plant, Paks. The first Degree of "MPEI Honorable Doctor" was awarded in 1971 to the professor of Budapest Technical University and eventually to 4 other Hungarian scientists as well.

Photo: belta.by​​​​​​​​

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