
MPEI arranged on-site Welcome Days in Kazakhstan


From the 27th of January until the 8th of February, 2019 Career Guidance and Welcome Days were being carried out in the framework of "Enrollment 2019" project realization.
In frames of the events the Dean of the foreign students Alexander Ankin, in cooperation with municipal and regional departments of education of South Kazakhstan and "Alpha Academy" Inc., held the meetings with schoolchildren and college students, their parents and schoolteachers.
Kyzylorda - 9 schools, Turkestan - 8 schools, Shymkent - 8 schools, Taraz - 6 schools, 2 meetings in the college, Almaty - 7 schools, 2 messaging sessions at the meetings with parents of the undergraduates, 2 meetings with schoolchildren and their parents in "Alpha Academy" – on these meetings the MPEI presentations were held, advertising papers handed round and career advice given. Total number of informed undergraduates comprised more than 1500 children.

Meetings were arranged in regional and municipal centers with the Heads of educational departments and offices of the South Kazakh region, Shymkent and Turkestan region, where the issues of Power Engineering Olympiad given from the 11th until 20th of March for Kazakh undergraduates were discussed.

On the teacher’s council of the Jambul Higher Polytechnic College the issues of Power Engineering Olympiad and college undergraduates study on the shortened study plans were discussed as well.​

Создан в 18.02.2019 17:29 пользователем: Малышева Евгения Анатольевна
Изменен в 18.02.2019 17:29 пользователем: Малышева Евгения Анатольевна
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