
Power Engineering Olympiad in Tadjikistan


From the 22nd until the 26th of April the Power Engineering Olympiad for the graduates of higher schools of Sogdy region took place in Khujand. It was supported by the Ministry of Education and science of Tadjikistan and the Hucumat of Sogdy region.

On the 23rd of April Khujand Polytechnic Institute of Tadjik Technical University was hosting the visit of the MPEI representatives. Meetings with the undergraduates in their final year of schools of Khujand, Chkalovsk, Aini, Kanibadam, Istaravshan and others were being held as well.

Dean of the foreign students of MPEI Alexander Ankin visited classes that had been organized for the higher school graduates that would help the future applicants of MPEI to prepare for the 1st semester of the University course.

On April 23rd  and 24th , the Power Engineering Olympiad for graduates of higher schools of the Sogdi region, focused on admission to the MPEI, was being held at the ground coordinated with the ObLONO of the city of Khujand. There were 101 participants.

On April 25th  with the participation of the Head of the Department of Power Supply and Automation of KPITTU the professional orientation and selection measures were being held, in which 28 Bachelor graduates in the field of "Power Engineering" took part. The issues of selection, submission, acceptance of documents and the possibility of employment were also clarified.​

Создан в 17.05.2019 17:02 пользователем: Малышева Евгения Анатольевна
Изменен в 17.05.2019 17:02 пользователем: Малышева Евгения Анатольевна
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