
Congratulations to foreign postgraduates upon their defense of Ph.D. theses in 2019


Currently 73 postgraduates from 18 countries and 1 Dr.Sc. from Kazakhstan are studying at MPEI. Preparation of foreign Ph.D. students here is held at the following departments:

Distribution of foreign PhD students by MPEI institutes

Institute of Information Technologies and Computer Science (IITCS) – 9;

Institute of Hydropower and Renewable Energy (IHRE) – 2;

Institute of Energy Efficiency and Hydrogen Technologies (IEEHT) – 3;

Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics (IREE) – 7;

Institute of Thermal and Nuclear Power Engineering (ITNPE) – 16;

Institute of Electrical Engineering (IEE) – 15;

Institute of Electrical Power Engineering (IEPE) – 15;

Institute of Power Machinery and Mechanics (IPMM) – 6.

This year 13 MPEI postgraduates have successfully defended their Ph.D. theses. The competitors were from the following countries: Vietnam (1), Egypt (3), Iran (2), China (1), Myanmar (3), Tajikistan (3).

Their defense had been held in the following departments:

IEPE: Department of Electric Power Systems​ (3);

IEE: Department of Electrical Complexes of Self-Contained Objects and Electrical Transport (2),

Department of Electric Power Plants (1);

IPMM: Department of Steam and Gas Turbines (2);

ITNPE: Department of Nuclear Power Plants (1), Department of Theoretical Bases of Heat Engineering (1);

IREE: Department of Physics (1), Department of Electronics and Nanoelectronics​ (1);

IHRE: Department of HRES (1).

The theses belonged to following fields of study:

06.11.01 - Electronics, radio engineering and communication systems;

06.12.01 - Photonics, instrument making, optical and biotechnical systems and technologies;

06.13.01 - Electrical and heat engineering;

06.14.01 - Nuclear, thermal and renewable energy and related technologies

It is worth saying that six foreign Ph.D. students defended their theses within timing, and 3 of them in one year, which is 70% of those who defended well and this corresponds to the best international indicators

MPEI International administration congratulates the doctorate students, their supervisors and departments, wishing them all the best and further success in 2020!​​

Создан в 17.02.2020 18:06 пользователем: Малышева Евгения Анатольевна
Изменен в 17.02.2020 18:06 пользователем: Малышева Евгения Анатольевна
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