
Livestream with MPEI-WUST Double-Degree program graduate and new opportunities for future program members


At the end of June 2021, a livestream with MPEI-WUST Double-Degree graduate Ivan Shamaev was held. Ivan is a winner of several academic mobility scholarships who graduated in 2020 and received the Honorable Double-Degree at MPEI and WUST in Electronics, having completed the route from the Summer School to a successful thesis defense for a Master's degree at MPEI and WUST.
The livestream was organized by Polish coordinators at Instagram on the WUST channel. Mr. Shamaev shared his own experience in realization of the academic mobility programs and responded to the queries of the listeners. The link to the event is here.

Moreover, there is some good news for potential participants of the program: their opportunities have extended, students who have excellent academic progress can now compete for the Rector’s scholarship when studying on the Double-Degree program in Wroclaw.

Another fine moment is the cancellation of the tax for the non-European students on the accommodation fee. As a result, the price for residing in a dormitory was reduced to 120-150 euro per month for a place in a comfortable room for two.

The presentation and selection for the Double-Degree program MPEI-WUST starts in October 2021 for the 1st year Master students in Engineering disciplines to participate.

Coordinator of the Double-Degree program MPEI-WUST:
Irina Kulik, KulikIA@mpei.ru​

Создан в 12.07.2021 12:17 пользователем: Малышева Евгения Анатольевна
Изменен в 12.07.2021 12:17 пользователем: Малышева Евгения Анатольевна
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