​​Hlaing Min O​o

Dr.Sci.(Techn.), Head of the Energy Department of the scientific and technical research center DSSTRC, Myanmar. MPEI alumnus. In 2009 he successfully defended his PhD thesis, and in 2017 he obtained his PhD degree in Electrical Engineering Systems and Complexes. In 2022 he accepted the title “MPEI Honorary Professor”.

More than 10 master's theses (Myanmar and Russian) and 1 PhD thesis were defended under Hlaing Min Oo's supervision.

He has more than 42 published works, including 20 certificates of authorship and patents of inventions and utility models.

Relying on his education and hard work, he is currently one of Myanmar's top experts in the field of multiple converters and power supplies. This is evidenced by the numerous awards and titles he has received in his home country.

As a pilot project, a low power 30W static frequency converter, a 300VA solar inverter recharger, and a 3kW hybrid solar and wind system have also been successfully installed as research.