​​Scholarships for foreigners to study in Russian universities are ensured by the Russian Ministry of Science and Higher Education. This line of acceptation is based on the inter-governmental agreements in which the education at Russian universities at the expense of Russian budget is anticipated. The students accepted on the basis of the Russian State scholarships have free education and their accommodation fee and medical insurance are covered in a way similar to the Russian students. The foreign students receive monthly scholarships from Russian budget as well as from their national Embassy. The educational quota for each country is defined annually, and the selection of candidates is fulfilled by the sending country taking into account the applicant’s talent and the necessity of the chosen specialty for the country. The list of selected candidates and their documents are sent by the national Ministry of Education through the Embassy in Moscow to the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, where these documents are investigated and sent to multiple Russian universities. These universities receive the information about the foreign candidates only after the final decision of their acceptance taken by the Russian Ministry. Those foreign students are admitted to Russian universities in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education.

It is rather difficult for the foreigners to be included into this scholarship line of acceptation. The final decision depends on the national and Russian Ministries of Education. Accepted foreign students study Russian language first, and then after successfully passing through the exams, proceed to Bachelor, Master or Ph.D. course. The education is provided in Russian medium in accordance with the Russian Educational Standards.

However, poor education results or violations of the Russian Regulations lead to the expulsion from the University and loss of the right to be educated on the basis of the Russian scholarships.
