​​​​​​​​The cooperation of MPEI with Cuban universities and organizations began in 1965, when the first students were accepted for education. MPEI has trained a large number of highly qualified personnel for different countries, among them there are more than 400 Cuban graduates.

MPEI collaborates with the University of Technology of Havana named Jose Antonio Echeverria, the University of Guantanamo and the University of Matanzas.

In the 2019/2020 academic year Cuba and MPEI exchanged the visits of the delegations.

In September 2019, a delegation of the Ministry of Power Industry of the Republic of Cuba visited MPEI to discuss the possibility of organizing internships for Cuban power engineers at departments of MPEI in order to improve their skills.

In its turn, in December 2019, the visit of the Cuban delegation led by the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Cuba to the Russian Federation took place. The delegation included representatives of the Embassies, Unión Eléctrica (UNE) and Energoimport. Within the framework of the visit, a Cooperation Agreement was signed between the Cuban state organization Electric Union and MPEI. Thus, both parties intended to organize advanced training courses for power plant specialists.

In February 2020, a delegation of MPEI visited the Republic of Cuba to participate in the Fifth Forum of Cuba-Russia Rectors. Within the framework of the forum, bilateral meetings were held and cooperation agreements were signed with the University of Guantanamo and the University of Matanzas. A meeting was organized with the rector of the University of Technology of Havana, during which a new cooperation agreement was signed. In addition, meetings were held with UNE and EMCE, as well as a meeting at the Russian Embassy in Cuba.

National Research University “Moscow Power Engineering Institute” has been collaborating with universities in Cuba for decades. It is planned to continue and expand cooperation on exchange programs and in the field of research activities.

Partner universities