Collaboration of MPEI with educational institutions of the Czech Republic started in 1954 when the first students of Czechoslovakia were admitted to MPEI.

Since then MPEI has trained 278 highly qualified Czech professionals. There is an Alumni Association that carries out regular meetings.

On December 7 of 1976, in recognition of outstanding achievements in the field of pedagogical research and innovation, MPEI was awarded the Jan Amos Comenius Medal of Czechoslovakia.

Students from the Czech Republic come to MPEI on academic mobility programs.

Together with the Czech Universities MPEI participates in the Association of International Departments of Higher Educational Institutions and Energy Supply and Energy Efficiency Conference.

Annually, students and postgraduates of MPEI become winners of the contests for scholarship of President of the Ressuian Federation to study abroad. They often choose admission to Czech University in Prague for their academic mobility programs.

The Czech Technical University in Prague has been founded in 1707 and is the oldest technical university in Central Europe and the oldest civil technical university in the world.

Employees of MPEI are active in taking part in different events that are carried out at the Czech partner universities. Thus, in 2018 the 45th International Conference on Plasma Physics of the European Physics Society was organized. It was hosted by the Institute of Plasma Physics of Czech Academy of Science.

Cooperation of MPEI with the Institute of Plasma Physics (IPP) of the Czech Academy of Sciences (Prague, director Dr. Radomir Paneck), as well as with the Czech Technical University (with which MPEI has a long-term agreement of fruitful cooperation) in thermonuclear engineering and plasma physics.

IPP is conducting research on the COMPASS tokamak installation, which is to be modified in the coming years and to become one of Europe's 4 leading nuclear fusion research sites. The participation of Russian scientists and students in experiments at this facility corresponds to tasks of developing thermonuclear energy in the framework of National projects and maintaining competencies at a high level.

In 2015, the first awarded trip of the winner group of the “Best study group” contest of MPEI was carried out. In the framework of international academic exchange, invited students were visiting different cities, Prague among them.

There are Czech among Honorable Doctors and Professors of MPEI, such as:

Bzhetislav Benda, Academician of the Academy of Sciences of Czechoslovakia, Rector of the Czech Technical University in Prague. Under his leadership, the basis and contents of a number of subjects were rebuilt and new laboratory rooms were created at the Czech Technical University and other universities.

Juraj Sedlak, professor at the Bratislava School of Law. He has been reading lectures on "Thermokinetics" and "Thermodynamics." His main field of scientific research has been the development of issues of thermodynamic analysis of various processes occurring in thermal power equipment.

Aldrich Benda, Academician of the Academy of Sciences of Czechoslovakia, major scientist in the field of electrical engineering, the author of more than 100 scientific papers in Theoretical Electrical Engineering, Electrophysics, Electronics And Electrodynamics.

Jiri Klima, Academician of the Academy of Sciences of Czechoslovakia. For 10 years, he had been heading one of the largest universities in Czechoslovakia, stood at the origins of cooperation between the Czech University of Technology and MPEI.

Prominent professors:

  • Anton Blazhej, academician of the Czech Academy of Sciences
  • Gustav Stegman, professor at the University of Bratislava
  • Ivan Taufer, professor at the Univeristy in Pardubice

Partner universities
