In 2017, the cooperation of National Research University "Moscow Power Engineering Institute" with Germany turned 50 years old. The work of MPEI for training of personnel of the GDR was awarded the Order of the Banner of Labor in 1971.

At the time of 2018-2019, in the partner base of National Research University "Moscow Power Engineering Institute" there are 24 universities of Germany.

Since 1997, MPEI, in collaboration with the Technical University of Ilmenau (Germany), has launched an additional education program in computer science and computing in the German language, which in 2007 was transformed into the German Engineering Faculty of MPEI - TU Ilmenau, with the active support of the German Academic Exchange Service DAAD, Siemens AG and other organizations. Every year a summer school is held at TU Ilmenau as part of the German engineering department of the National Research University "Moscow Power Engineering Institute" - TU Ilmenau.

In 1999, with the participation of the international concern FESTO, the Russian-German Institute for Industrial Automation and Business "MPEI-Festo" was founded at National Research University "Moscow Power Engineering Institute".

During the existence of the program, about 600 students of MPEI of various specialties took part in it.

Among Honorary Doctors of MPEI there are 8 honored German scientists.

  • Wolfgang Mosch – Professor of TU Dresden;
  • Dirk Schroeder - Professor of TU of Munich;
  • Wolfgang Gens - Rector of Technical University Ilmenau;
  • Gerhard Barch - Professor of TU of Berlin;
  • Wilfried Stoll - President of FESTO;
  • Peter Scharff - Rector of the University of Ilmenau;
  • Klaus Riedle - Professor, Doctor-engineer, member of the VDI-GEU board;
  • Dietrich Möller - President of Siemens in Russia

Since 2013, the project SPITSE has been implemented - a symposium on the development of sensor systems and networks. This event was the result of a strategic partnership of three engineering faculties - MPEI, LETI and German TU Ilmenau. Head of the Department of IIT Zhebakov I.N. awarded the title "Honorary Doctor of TU Ilmenau" for his contribution to the cooperation between our universities. About 70 students of MPEI study German. Classes are conducted by a DAAD lecturer, who has been constantly present at National Research University "Moscow Power Engineering Institute" since 1997.

In 2014, a network of Russian-German University was created, combining the National Research University "Moscow Power Engineering Institute", TU Ilmenau and St. Petersburg "LETI".

Annually, Georgius Agricola scholarships are awarded to students of the National Research University "Moscow Power Engineering Institute" to provide them a possibility to study or get a scientific training at Dresden Technical University.

Active cooperation is also carried out through the AMO (Association of International Departments of Higher Education Institutions).

National Research University "Moscow Power Engineering Institute" is collaborating with the Foundation of Professor K. Riedle, supporting scientific and educational exchanges between MPEI and the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany. As part of this cooperation, students of the National Research University "Moscow Power Engineering Institute" receive a scholarship of Professor K. Riedle to attend the included study at Friedrich-Alexander University.

Students of MPEI undergo internships in various departments of Siemens AG (Germany).

A "doble-degree" program is also being implemented with the Brandenburg Technical University of Cottbus-Senftenberg and the Technical University of Ilmenau (Germany).

For 12 years, the program of the Russian-Chinese-German summer school has been implemented, which takes place on the basis of various universities. The program is attended by students from Germany and China, as well as from Moscow and Rostov.

In April  2016, a delegation from the state of Thuringia (Germany) headed by Minister of Economy, Science and Digital Technologies Tiefensee Wolfgang visited National Research University "Moscow Power Engineering Institute". The meeting resulted in the signing of a trilateral memorandum between the National Research University "Moscow Power Engineering Institute", the TU Ilmenau and the Ministry of Economy, Science and Digital Technologies of the State of Thuringia. This document is aimed at developing partnerships between MPEI and Technical University of Ilmenau, as well as support from the Land of Thuringia through modern forms and initiatives to promote the development of science and economics, in particular, through the expansion of the SPITSE project.

Employees of National Research University "Moscow Power Engineering Institute" regularly undergo advanced training in Germany.

Annually undergraduate and graduate students of National Research University "Moscow Power Engineering Institute" win the scholarship of the President of the Russian federation and have the opportunity to study at TU Ilmenau, TU Dresden and the Karlsruhe Technical Institute.

Partner universities
