Integrated methods and models for representing and operating
ill-defined information in intelligent real-time decision support systems
(project No. 20-07-00498), 2020-2022. (head – professor Eremeev A.P.)
Modeling the reasoning of a cognitive agent based on
non-classical logics, RFBR grant (project No. 20-57-00015-Bel_a), 2020-2021. (head
– professor Fominykh I.B.)
Methods and algorithms for intelligent analysis of big data
in decision support systems for digital economy problems, RFBR grant (project
No. 18-29-03088-mk), 2018-2021. (head – professor Fominykh I.B.)
Models of parallel processes and dynamically reconfigurable
systems for their efficient implementation, RFBR grant (project No.
18-01-00548-a), 2018-2020. (head – professor Kutepov V.P.)
Modeling plausible reasoning in intelligent systems based on
precedents, fuzzy logic methods and a multi-agent approach, RFBR grant (project
No. 18-01-00459-a), 2018-2020. (head – associate professor Varshavskii P.R.)
Methods and tools for knowledge discovery in intelligent
decision support systems, RFBR grant (project No. 17-07-00442-a), 2017-2019. (head
– professor Vagin V.N.)
Methods and software tools for designing intelligent
decision support systems based on temporal models, RFBR grant (project No.
17-07-00553-a), 2017-2019. (head – professor Eremeev A.P.)
Development of methods and software for machine learning
using argumentation theory and deep learning networks, grant of the President
of the Russian Federation MK-2897.2017.9, 2017-2018. (head – associate professor Morosin O.L.)