
MPEI Branch in Dushanbe celebrated the 79th anniversary of Victory Day


Traditionally, MPEI Branch in Dushanbe annually organizes a number of events dedicated to the Victory Day in the Great Patriotic War. The solemn event was attended by such distinguished guests as Jamshed Djurazoda, First Deputy Minister of Education and Science of Tajikistan, Igor Burulko, First Secretary, representative of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, Ilyas Afaunov, Chief Specialist-Expert of Rossotrudnichestvo Representative Office in the Republic of Tajikistan.

Students of the branch under the guidance of teachers of the Department of Social and Humanitarian Sciences (SHS) prepared a memorable festive event dedicated to the Victory Day in the Great Patriotic War. They presented a unique program including theatrical performances, musical numbers and poetry readings dedicated to the heroism of the Soviet people.

In the official part of the event, the floor was given to the First Deputy Minister of Education and Science of Tajikistan Jamshed Djurazoda, who noted: “On this significant day, when we celebrate the Great Victory Day, we remember all those who defended our Motherland with honor and bravery. We are proud of our heroes, their unparalleled feat and self-sacrifice. Today we are looking into the future with hope and confidence. In his speeches, the Founder of Peace and National Unity, the Leader of the Nation, the Honorable President of the Republic of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon tirelessly notes that we always strive for peace, where solidarity and mutual understanding will be the basis of international relations. May our shared memory of the deeds of the past inspire us to create a world where war and suffering have no place. Let us together pledge to preserve the historical truth, to pass it from generation to generation, so that the exploits of our ancestors will never be forgotten. Let this Victory Day be a reminder that only together we can build a bright and prosperous future for all of us”.

Then the floor was given to Igor Burulko, First Secretary of the Embassy, representative of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation. In his speech addressing the young generation, he noted: “Today we are here to pay our respect and memory to those who gave their lives for our freedom during the Great Patriotic War. We will never forget the heroism and self-sacrifice of veterans who fought for peace on the war fronts. Their courage and fortitude will remain in our hearts forever. May their feats and sacrifices be an eternal example for us and our descendants. We are obliged to preserve the history of these heroic deeds and pass it on to the next generations. May their memory live on forever, and may every Victory Day remind us of the value of the peace they have given us. Today, we also pledge to continue their work, striving for peace, justice and prosperity for our country. We will honor their memory by continuing to work for the good of our society and preserving the peace for which they fought so steadfastly.”


Then the word was passed to the first deputy director Akram Akhmedjanovich and deputy director for educational work Tamara Vasilievna to welcome the distinguished guests and present the 3rd and 4th year students with certificates of winners of the Open Student Olympiad “Hope of Power Engineering”. The concert part of the event opened with a waltz, symbolizing the peaceful time before the war, and continued with an emotional recreation of the moments of the announcement of the beginning of the war. Students reproduced scenes from the life of that time, including anxious moments of war years and heroic deeds of Soviet soldiers. A minute of silence was announced in memory of the dead and with words of gratitude to the veterans and home front workers who brought victory in one of the most difficult wars in the history of mankind. Reading of the poem “Dnieper Waves” by Mumin Kanoat by 4th year student Bobojon Nazirov left an indelible impression in the hearts of those present: every word, every stanza was imbued with deep meaning and sincerity. It was not just a reading - it was a confession, a living embodiment of the story he put into these lines.


Special attention was paid to the reading of letters from the front, which conveyed the deep feelings and hopes of the soldiers, written in the most difficult times of the war. These letters became a living testimony of those days and caused a deep resonance among those present.

The culmination of the event was the performance of students with songs of the war years, including the joint performance of the famous songs “Журавли” by Rasul Gamzatov, “В землянке”, a song about women during the war on the verses of Mikhail Isakovsky “Гимн героизму женщинам войны”, “День Победы”, “Кукушка”, which was accompanied by slides with photos of the war years, and also was presented a presentation on the heroism of the Tajik people during the Great Patriotic War “One hundred thousand for Victory”.

The final speech was made by Samadi Shakarbek Dodho, Deputy Director for General Affairs who noted that we, the generation living in peacetime, are carrying the memory of those who gave their lives for our future. The Great Patriotic War has left an indelible trace in the history of our country, and each of us is obliged to remember the sacrifices and feats of those who fought for peace. Young people today must appreciate and respect this memory, continuing to build a world in which there is no place for war and destruction. We must strive for development, education and understanding to ensure that the horrors of the past are never repeated.

The famous song “Victory Day” was then played and the entire hall unanimously picked up the tune, creating a powerful chorus of unity and remembrance.

Создан в 17.05.2024 15:47 пользователем: Малышева Евгения Анатольевна
Изменен в 17.05.2024 15:47 пользователем: Малышева Евгения Анатольевна
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