
MPEI employees released an educational publication in Russian and Chinese languages


Employees of the Department of Relay Protection and Automation of Energy Systems​ and the Center of the National Technological Initiative "Technologies for the Transportation of Electricity and distributed intelligent power systems" of the Institute of Electrical Power Engineering (EPE) have published an educational publication on the course "Relay Protection and Automation of Electrical Power Systems". The book was published by MPEI Publishing House under the editorship of Rimma Temkina in the series "Electric Power Engineering and Electrical Engineering". The authors are: Oleg Alekseev, Rimma Temkina, Boris Safronov, Dmitry Biserov.

The educational publication is meant for Chinese-speaking students studying in the direction of 13.03.02 "Electrical Power Engineering and Electrical Engineering" and is built in the form of a bilingua – parallel texts in Russian and Chinese languages. The bilingua will allow Chinese-speaking students to learn the terminology and principles of relay protection devices in a comfortable format and prepare them for the further relay protection and automation courses presented in Russian.  

The educational publication covers exercises related to the distribution of currents in protection circuits and the calculation of tripping parameters for protection with relative selectivity: maximum current protection, current step protection against phase-to-phase short-circuits and current step protection against short-circuits to earth. All the exercises presented in the workshop are available in electronic form on the portal of the distance learning system of the Department of Relay Protection and Automation of Energy Systems.


Создан в 14.06.2024 19:51 пользователем: Малышева Евгения Анатольевна
Изменен в 14.06.2024 19:52 пользователем: Малышева Евгения Анатольевна
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