
MPEI and GCC Lab from Saudi Arabia discussed prospects of cooperation


On June 5, 2024, MPEI held the first introductory meeting with representatives of the international electrical engineering testing laboratory GCC Lab from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Ivan Komarov, Vice-Rector (supervises the issues of scientific work), noted: "We are glad to welcome the representatives of GCC Lab in MPEI. Our cooperation opens new perspectives for both parties, especially in the field of implementation of advanced technologies and professional development of specialists. The importance of green energy and adaptation of international standards to regional conditions can hardly be overestimated. We are confident that joint projects will help us make significant progress in reducing the hydrogen footprint and developing energy-efficient technologies".

The meeting discussed the issues of organizing cooperation in various directions both in the field of technological cooperation and application of MPEI's developments in Saudi Arabia, and joint projects in the educational sphere, first of all, for the purpose of advanced training of power engineering industry specialists. The participants of the meeting paid special attention to the issues of green energy and implementation of modern energy-efficient technologies that reduce the hydrogen footprint in energy-intensive production. The experts agreed on the necessity to adapt the generally used international standards to regional climatic conditions, although very different for our countries, which in both cases are unfavorable for the operation of power engineering installations.

The meeting included an excursion to the Distributed Intelligent Energy Systems polygon, the Center for Situational and Analytical Control of Electric Grids. Intelligent voice assistant of the dispatcher, presentation of the digital modeling complex "Digital twin of the energy system", demonstration of the stand "Digital twin of the energy system" with an example of testing of RPA devices, presentation of the Automated system of functional testing of Relay Protection and Automation systems of digital substations.

At MPEI Center for Collective Use "Test Site of Electricity Transportation Technologies and Distributed Intelligent Power Systems", the specialists demonstrated their key technologies in the field of building intelligent protection, automation and control systems of Digital Substations and conducting their functional tests. GCC Lab representatives highly appreciated the functional capabilities of the software and hardware complex "Digital twin of power system" developed at the Center of STI MPEI and its applicability for testing and certification of various electrical equipment and devices.

The parties agreed to organize additional meetings with a deeper acquaintance with the functional capabilities of MPEI Center for Collective Use and expressed their hope for fruitful cooperation in the future.

Создан в 20.06.2024 11:04 пользователем: Малышева Евгения Анатольевна
Изменен в 20.06.2024 11:04 пользователем: Малышева Евгения Анатольевна
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