
BRICS Network University: Summer Meeting of the International Thematic Group on Energy


On June 26, 2024, there was a meeting of the International Thematic Group on Energy of the BRICS Network University, dedicated to the results of the annual meeting of the International Governing Council of the BRICS NU and updating the work plans of the International Thematic Group on Energy.

The meeting of the BRICS NU International Governing Council was attended for the first time by representatives of the new BRICS member states - Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran and the United Arab Emirates. This enlargement coincided with the planned enlargement of the BRICS NU priority areas and the corresponding increase in the number of universities nominated from each BRICS country to the Network University. This means an increase in potential partners For the International Thematic Group on Energy. The new priority areas include Mathematics, Natural Sciences, Social and Human Sciences, Sustainable Agriculture and Food Safety, and Health Sciences.

Since the participating universities and the relevant International Thematic Groups are responsible for a number of activities, the updated work plan of the BRICS NU also directly concerns the International Thematic Group. The meeting discussed those items of the plan that fall within our competence.

With regard to the relevant updating of the work plans of the International Thematic Group on Energy itself, the main issue was the development of the initiative to organize a permanent scientific seminar "Foundations for a Green Sustainable Energy". The online seminar is to be held on a rotating basis at one of the universities. Its goal is to attract Ph.D.-students and young scientists from BRICS universities to exchange experience on broad issues of green sustainable energy with subsequent transition to the organization of international cooperation within the BRICS NU. The topic of each specific seminar, approved in advance, will bring together scientists working on similar issues, which will launch a dialog among stakeholders.

As a first step, in April, MPEI held a seminar on Microgrid structure and operation. This time, the Institute of Ecology of Peoples' Friendship University of Russia took the initiative by proposing to hold an autumn seminar on Innovative Tools for Bioeconomy: Biofuels from Microalgae. An invitation to this event with further details will be sent in advance to all universities that are members of the International Thematic Group on Energy.

Создан в 26.06.2024 17:34 пользователем: Малышева Евгения Анатольевна
Изменен в 26.06.2024 17:34 пользователем: Малышева Евгения Анатольевна
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