
Summer Meeting of the SCO University Energy Working Group


On June 18, 2024, there was a summer online meeting of the SCO University Energy Working Group. Representatives of MPEI, the South Ural State University (SUSU), the Novosibirsk State Technical University and the Ural Federal University took part in it.

The participants of the meeting discussed the implementation of joint educational projects of the SCO University in Russian universities. Thus, in June 2024, the fourth group of students of the joint program with the North China Electric Power University (China) will graduate from MPEI with a bachelor's degree. Most of the graduates are going to continue their studies in MPEI's master's program. A group of Chinese students from joint programs in electric power engineering is finishing their master's studies at the South Ural State University.

Russian students also take part in SCO University educational projects in other countries. Currently, SUSU students are completing their master's studies at the SCO master's program in Kazakhstan. In addition, MPEI and SUSU students take part in the SCO University summer school organized by the North China Electric Power University.

At the meeting it was also decided to hold the traditional competition for the best graduate work among the graduates of SCO University joint programs in Energy. The competition will be held separately for bachelor's and master's degree graduates and separately for each field of study. The results of the competition are published with the names of the winners and their supervisors, titles of the papers and their brief abstracts. The organizers strive to summarize the results promptly in order to present certificates to the winners before their departure.

Создан в 28.06.2024 15:13 пользователем: Малышева Евгения Анатольевна
Изменен в 28.06.2024 15:13 пользователем: Малышева Евгения Анатольевна
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