
Beijing hosted two sessions of summer camp for MPEI students


 In July 2024, 9 MPEI students visited the summer camp of the North China Electric Power University in China.


North China Electric Power University (NCEPU) in Beijing was founded in 1958, and its main goal is to train highly qualified personnel for the country's power industry and to promote progress in science and technology in this field. Currently in the University there are employed about 3,100 staff members and there are more than 24,000 intramural students and more than 12,000 Ph.D.-students. Education is provided in Chinese and English.


This year the summer camp was held at NCEPU for the first time with two sessions:

  • The 1st session: from the 1st to the 11th of July, 2024

  • The 2nd session: from the 7th to the 17th of July, 2024

The camp theme was “The development and application of green energy technology”.

This year the summer camp was attended by students from IEPE, IHRE, IREE, ITNPE, IITCS and the MPEI Voljskiy branch. In total, more than 60 students from 16 countries, ranging from Brazil to South Korea, took part in the summer camp.


The Green Energy Youth Leadership Camp included a wide range of activities:

  • Lectures by leading NCEPU professors on energy and power, biomass, solar energy, new energy-related materials and installations; as well as masterclasses by researchers and senior executives from Chinese energy companies;

  • Classroom activities on introduction to the Chinese culture - calligraphy lessons, paper cutting, drawing lessons, Chinese martial arts classes;

  • Visiting exhibition centers of Chinese corporations - the BOE Technology group exhibition center (the largest producer of LCD-displays, one of the technological leaders in electronics), the Baidu Corporation office (a technology company, that is an ecosystem of services - search platform, Internet services, AI-solutions, etc.);

  • Visiting the Daxing International Hydrogen Energy Demonstration Zone, founded in September 2020 in Beijing. The zone covers an area of 4,888 square metres. It serves as an international platform for exchanges and cooperation between industrial, scientific, research and application organizations. It aims to create an exciting space for hydrogen energy demonstration, experience and communication. The hydrogen refuelling station in the Daxing International Hydrogen Energy Demonstration Zone is currently the largest in the world, its daily capacity is up to 4.8 tonnes of hydrogen.

  • Visiting NCEPU laboratories - there were presented laboratories dealing with bioenergy issues (waste conversion into biofuel, WPP blade recycling), wind power engineering (WPP blade aerodynamics), high-voltage engineering (testing of high voltage equipment, up to 1000 kV), robotics (production of autonomous and controlled, aerial and ground drones).

  • Visiting Chinese cultural facilities - we visited iconic locations such as the Forbidden City, Temple of Heaven, Summer Palace, Badaling section of the Great Wall of China, Beijing Olympic Park and others.

Kirill Milyakov, a student from the MPEI Voljskiy branch said: “I am very impressed with the highly topical program, incredible excursions, cordial welcome, food and attention to students from the NCEPU staff.

I gained practical experience and made new friends not only from Russia but also from other countries. I raised my competence in intercultural communication, studied the views and experience of other participants of the international camp.

As for our living and eating habits, I would like to mention the luxurious dormitories with modern renovation, double rooms and showers in each room. We visited a huge number of restaurants and cafes and we got to know Chinese cuisine very closely. We were provided with a transfer by comfortable buses. The Chinese colleagues were friendly, polite and attentive to us.

The excursions to Chinese sights were as eventful as possible. I was very impressed by the wonderful NCEPU teachers, lecturers and the management. Thank you for the opportunity to study at the summer camp”.                         


Создан в 26.08.2024 16:30 пользователем: Малышева Евгения Анатольевна
Изменен в 26.08.2024 16:35 пользователем: Малышева Евгения Анатольевна
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