
MPEI students at the Beijing Institute of Technology


This year two MPEI students started their academic year at the Beijing Institute of Technology in China.

According to the results of the competitive admissions, Andrey Sedin (Institute of Power Machinery and Mechanics (IPMM)) and German Maevich, (Institute of Electrical Engineering and Electrification (IEEE)) went for long-term study abroad in technical specialties with the learning Chinese language and culture.

 “Even though I am from Moscow, I am shocked by Beijing. Everything is so large and different; people are so kind and pleasant. I am no less delighted with our institute: the campus is like a whole city, the living conditions are highly comfortable and the study is on top! I managed to visit entirely modern places, most of all I was impressed by the Bird’s Nest stadium and areas far from the city center! The stadium struck me as a future engineer because it is really made of huge metal rods. Residential areas surprisingly combine shocking skyscrapers and incredibly native panel houses. It is hard to believe what you have seen!” – German Maevich. 


“I’ve enjoyed the sights in Beijing. They are incomparable with European ones.  As I am from Moscow, it was easy enough for me to figure out the subway. In the university canteen one is able to eat tasty and inexpensive food. Many Russian students came here to study and we already have our own dream team. In the meantime, we are getting used to China and preparing for study that will start on September 11.” – Andrey Sedin. 



MPEI International Administration wishes the participants an interesting and useful internship abroad and welcomes MPEI students to take part in the programs next year.

Announcement of new contests are collected on the MPEI site here.

To maintain motivation to participate in the programs, there is a section with students’ feedback on international programs and their experience of receiving scholarships and grants.

Based on the experience of dealing with MPEI students, a section of Frequently Asked Question  was created on the MPEI site.

Anyone can also register via a special form on the MPEI site for a remote question and receive a newsletter about new contests to their email at will.

You can also follow the updates in the group of the Department on International Relations in VK: https://vk.com/dmsmpei​​​.


Beijing Institute of Technology (BIT) was founded in 1960 and consisted of 5 engineering faculties. BIT is among the top 20 universities in China and the top 300 universities in the world. According to the recent estimates of the national ranking, BIT was among the first 15 universities included in the "Project 211".  It is also the tenth university included in the prestigious “Project 985”.  Along with Tsinghua University, Beijing University, Beihang University and the University of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, it is considered one of the leading engineering universities in Beijing.

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Изменен в 18.09.2023 14:18 пользователем: Малышева Евгения Анатольевна
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