The first Mongolian alumnus graduated from MPEI in 1959. Since then, more than 500 Mongolian engineers, bachelor-students, master-students and more than 20 Ph.D.-students have been trained at MPEI. More than 150 specialists from Mongolia have undergone internships at MPEI. A large number of Mongolian students entered MPEI after 1999, when there was established MPEI Educational Center at Ulaanbaatar University (1999-2007). In 2004, MPEI Educational Center was awarded the Certificate of Merit of the Mongolian Embassy in the Russian Federation for its great contribution to the training of national skilled personnel of Mongolia.

For 2023-2024, 16 Mongolian citizens are studying at MPEI and 4 professors from Mongolia are working here.

MPEI graduates successfully work in Mongolian governmental authorities. They have taken the positions of Ministers, directors of TPPs, and they head large companies. Many MPEI graduates successfully work in the energy sector, industry, modern IT companies, and universities in Mongolia.

In 2004, MPEI pooled the efforts of leading Russian universities. Supported by the Moscow Centre for International Cooperation, the Russian Centre for Science and Culture and the Russian Embassy, MPEI held the First Olympiad on Natural Sciences and History of Moscow in Mongolia. In the following years, these Olympiads became regular and more than 20,000 Mongolian school students took part in them. In April 2013, MPEI headed the organizing committee to prepare and to hold a series of Olympiads for Mongolian school students that were held within the It is Time to Study in Russia! project. This involved over 30 Russian universities from Moscow, St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk, Tomsk, Volgograd, Yakutsk, Ufa, Michurinsk, Kyzyl. Based on the Olympiad results from 2013 to 2015, over 150 school students from Mongolia received the Russian state scholarships to study at Russian universities.

On the 12th of December 2016 Mongolian President Mr. Tsakhiagiin Elbegdorj signed a decree awarding MPEI the Order of the North Star of Mongolia for its great contribution to the development and training of energy sector personnel.

MPEI cooperates with Erdenet Mining Corporation, Mongolian University of Science and Technology, Institute of Energy Economics of Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar University, Association of Masters and Engineers of Mongolian Power Engineering, etc.

MPEI has the closest working experience with Mongolian University of Science and Technology. Over the last 3 years, in cooperation with Power Engineering School of Mongolian University of Science and Technology, MPEI has launched a training programme for master- and Ph.D.-students. The opportunities of the It is time to study in Russia! Olympiad and the right of independent selection of foreign citizens to study at MPEI were widely used for this purpose. Over the years, more than 20 master- and Ph.D.-students have been sent to study at MPEI.

Work is actively underway to establish Russian-Mongolian Consortium of Technical Universities to ensure the operation of academic partnership programs between Mongolian University of Science and Technology and Russian universities.

MPEI staff and teachers are actively involved in cooperation with various organizations in Mongolia in the field of energy, science and education. MPEI employees have been awarded the title of "Advanced Worker of the Mongolian Power Industry" and the honorary title of "Advanced Educator of Mongolia".

In 2019, a resource centre for Russian education was established in the Mongolian-Russian Joint School in Ulaanbaatar within the Export of Education Federal Project by MPEI. In December 2019, MPEI professors taught Physics to students of grades 9-11(12) from the above Russian-speaking school. Based on the lesson results, the school management expressed gratitude to MPEI. Learn more about the resource centres.

In 2023, an agreement was reached to establish the Target Preparation Centre of National Research University MPEI in Power Engineering School of Mongolian University of Science and Technology. The agreement on the creation of the Center for Targeted Training  was signed as part of the 25th meeting of the Intergovernmental Mongolian-Russian Commission on Trade, Economic, Scientific and Technical Cooperation in Ulaanbaatar. The Centre plans to send Mongolian teachers and employees of the energy industry to MPEI to get acquainted with new teaching methods and to develop joint approaches to training prospective specialists. The internship results are expected to be joint curricula, joint textbooks of methods in Russian and Mongolian including country specifics units, creation of joint-degree programs, development of necessary programs for existing employees of the industry, preparation for translation into Mongolian of modern textbooks of MPEI for use in the educational process.​

Order of the Red Banner of Labour 

Mongolia, June 6, 2024


Order of the Polar Star

Mongolia, December 12, 2016

Partner universities​
