
Plasma disinfection system - new weapon against the CoVID -19 pandemic


Vietnamese online edition Sputnik has published an article on the research of the GPNF Department of MPEI professor Nguyen Quoc Shi of the plasma disinfection system.

No radiation, chemicals and complete human and environment safety, these are the results of successful testing of the plasma disinfection system at VinIT Institute of Technology.

Many scientists of Vietnam, including the MPEI ones, were working to fight the CoVID-19 virus. A variety of science and research institutes have designed the respiratory systems for patients with SARS-CoV-2 and currently are ready to produce them.

The Electric University has successfully manufactured the first non-invasive respirator in Vietnam, the Research Institute of Electronics, Informatics and Automation (Ministry of Industry and Trade) has also completed a research on production of a non-invasive respirator, etc.

VinIT Institute of Technology was also conducting research in a different but no less important aspect. On April 20, 2020, VinIT announced the successful testing of a plasma disinfection system. This is the first system in the world for large-scale disinfection of people and equipment, helping to destroy viruses and prevent cross-contamination.

To understand this invention better and sense its importance in the fight against COVID-19 infection, Sputnik interviewed Professor of National Research University "Moscow Power Engineering Institute", President of VinIT Institute of Technology, Nguyen Quoc Shi:

Sputnik: Greetings, Professor Shi! Thank you so much for your time.

VinIT Institute of Technology has successfully tested the plasma disinfection system. Could you tell us about the advantages of this plasma disinfection system, especially in the fight against epidemics?

Professor Nguyen Quoc Shi:

VINIT scientists independently investigated and successfully created a plasma disinfection system. This is a completely new technology that uses cold plasma sources to create a large number of negative ions that kill viruses and bacteria on humans and equipment. This can help to fight human infections and eradicate coronavirus during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. To counteract this pandemic, scientists basically have to solve two problems: the first is to prepare a vaccine, and the second is to prevent the spread of infection among the population. The technology we have invented can help to solve the second problem.


Earlier, VinIT Institute of Technology has also successfully manufactured a model for testing a plasma disinfection system to evaluate the effectiveness of this technology, as well as a model for designing and manufacturing a large equipment of disinfection system for people. VinIT scientists conducted about 1000 tests on bacteria. Good test results demonstrate the practical effectiveness of using disinfection mechanisms of plasma technology.

We invented a new technology to be able to use low-energy and low-power sources of cold plasma for large-scale surface disinfection. The VinIT Institute of Technology disinfection system uses high-voltage and high-frequency sources of cold plasma, which can disinfect people's skin and clothing, medical devices, masks, protective clothing, paper money, electronics, smartphones, etc.

The principle of this technology is that cold plasma flows have low atomic and ionic temperatures <40 ° C, but at the same time the temperature of large electron particles is higher than 10,000 K, the density of electron particles is 1010 - 1013 cm-3, there are a lot of charged particles in the plasma and ions due to ionization of air and argon (Ar +, N2 +, N2–, O2 +, O2 –....), there are various active components O–, OH–, O *, O2 *, O3 *, NOx, ultraviolet radiation (with a wavelength of 180 - 400 nm). Cold plasma has many mechanisms with a high bactericidal, fungicidal and virological effect, it can replace antibiotics, a disinfectant solution, kill the virus on the surface and in the air.

No radiation, no chemicals and complete safety for people and environment.

Sputnik: What are the advantages and the effectiveness of this disinfection system?

Professor Nguyen Quoc Shi:

Our technological system has advanced plasma disinfection, non-radioactive, non-chemical and absolutely safe mechanisms for humans and the environment. Biomedical tests of Gram + and Gram - bacteria samples located on the surface of clothes resulted in disinfection results of more than 99.9% (3log10) in less than 3 minutes in the disinfection chamber and more than 90% (log10) in 1 minute. The high efficiency of this technology is due to the use of ion gas from plasma emitters. Negative ions have a high oxidation ability, kill bacteria, viruses and other microorganisms, including mold, yeast, spores and even parasites. In addition, ion gas using cold plasma technology has the ability to disinfect and kill viruses deep inside the surface of complex structures in humans and equipment.

Our plasma disinfection system has a unique design, which applies many technical and technological innovations in the field of cold plasma. The system unites 200 plasmatrons created, improved and manufactured by VinIT Institute of Technology, as well as other necessary auxiliary systems. The system works stably at room temperature and atmospheric pressure, using only water and gaseous argon  or air, without chemicals, without radiation, without heavy metals. Levels of electromagnetic fields remain safe. The system features a simple configuration, ease of operation, low cost. It does not create secondary pollution, is completely safe for humans and environmentally friendly.

Surface disinfection system in hospitals’ isolated zone.
Compared to conventional disinfection methods (using chemical solutions) that we spray in areas with high contamination levels that are at risk of spreading coronavirus, plasma technology has the following advantages:

  • wide impact on the bacterial and viral spectrum;
  • fast action at normal temperature and atmospheric pressure;
  • not affected by environmental factors;
  • absolutely safe, without chemicals, without toxic substances;
  • fire and explosion proof;
  • does not harm metal tools, as well as surfaces made of rubber and plastic;
  • provides a long-term effect on the treated surface;
  • easy to use for people and equipment;
  • odorless;
  • makes it possible to quickly clean the surface of medical instruments, supplies and people;
  • has high economic efficiency.

Sputnik: It is known that VinIT Institute of Technology has registered the invention of this technology. When is the plasma disinfection system to be introduced to society?

Professor Nguyen Quoc Shi:

VinIT has registered the invention and is conducting a quality assessment procedure, setting a basic state standard in order to introduce this technology product to the public as soon as possible.

We have successfully applied plasma technology in a number of areas, including:

Medical field - treatment of open wounds, cuts, burns, diabetic ulcers, pressure sores, used in dermatology for fungi, eczema and used in cosmetology to treat scars on wounds;

Processing and preserving of agricultural products and food products - the destruction of viruses, bacteria, molds and other microorganisms, the use for the processing and preservation of agricultural products and food products, including vegetables, tubers, tropical fruits, meat, fish and fresh agricultural and livestock products.

VinIT scientists have fabricated and successfully tested the plasma disinfection system
Environmental protection - processing of all types of waste, utilities water dump, health, livestock, contaminated ponds and lakes, sewage, etc.

The products of VinIT Institute of Technology are cheaper than other similar products in the world, because we have a team of scientists and experts at home and abroad, with many years of experience in various fields and the development of plasma technologies from design to production.

Sputnik: Is the plasma disinfection system a work of Vietnamese scientists or a collaboration with foreign scientists?

Professor Nguyen Quoc Shi:

We have a very effective collaboration with Russian scientists from the National Research University "Moscow Power Engineering Institute". We are very grateful for this partnership, this is a proof to many years of friendship and effective cooperation between Vietnamese and Russian scientists.

Sputnik: Can this disinfection system become Vietnam's export product?

Professor Nguyen Quoc Shi:

This disinfection system can fully become an export product of Vietnam, and we are looking forward to work with scientists from around the world to combat the COVID-19 pandemic. Based on his new research, VinIT Institute of Technology has developed a project for surface disinfection and coronavirus eradication system for patients in hospitals and crowded areas, as well as a surface disinfection system in hospital and clinic isolators. We hope that our high-tech products will be able to solve the task of preventing COVID-19 contamination.

Sputnik: Thanks again for the interview, Professor Shi. Wishing you to help Vietnam and the world to defeat the CoVID-19 pandemic!

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