
MPEI welcomed delegation from Kyrgyz State Technical University


On May 14, 2024, a delegation from Kyrgyz State Technical University named after I.Razzakov (KSTU), Kyrgyzstan, visited MPEI.


The delegation consisted of Mirlan Chynybaev, KSTU Rector, Akymbek Abdykalykov, Advisor to the Rector and Akylbek Chymyrov, Vice-Rector on International Relations.


On MPEI side, Nikolay Rogalev, Rector, Alexander Tarasov, Vice-Rector on International Relations, Elena Gulicheva, Director on International Relations, and Anastasia Mashkova, Director for Development of Integration Policy attended the meeting.


The visit took place within long-term strategic cooperation between the two educational institutions. Nikolay Rogalev, MPEI Rector, emphasized the importance of such meetings for the exchange of experience and expanding the horizons of academic partnership. Rector of KSTU, Mirlan Chynybaev, in turn, noted that such meetings become an important moment in the development of international university relations, contributing to the strengthening of academic exchange and cooperation between the countries.

The guests were given a tour of the GOELRO Museum, Electric Power Systems​ Department (IEPE), Hydropower Engineering and Renewable Energy​ Department (HERE), Metals technology Department (IPMM), as well as the Institute for the Development of Sambo named after A. A. Kharlampiev.

The visit included a meeting with scholarship holders of the President of the Russian Federation and MPEI students from Kyrgyzstan, who shared their academic achievements and impressions of studying at the Russian university.15-05-9.jpg
Following the discussion of cooperation issues, both sides identified areas of joint interest, including exchange of students, joint research and organization of scientific conferences.


At the end of the visit Rector of KSTU Chynybaev Mirlan Koichubekovich expressed his gratitude for hospitality and expressed his hope for long-term and fruitful cooperation between the universities.

Read the information about cooperation between MPEI and Kyrgyzstan here.


Kyrgyz State Technical University named after I. Razzakov (KSTU) is a modern university complex, the largest educational and research center for training and retraining of engineering and technical and engineering-economic personnel in 77 specialties.

The mission of KSTU is to improve and develop quality technical education based on the achievements of science, technology and integration into the world educational space. The goal is the innovative development of the Kyrgyz Republic through the implementation of competitive educational programs that meet the needs of the labor market, society, economy and the state.

Rectors of KSTU Brimkulov Ulan Nurgazievich (1998-2003) and Vladimir Mikhailovich Zhuravlev (1982-1990) are graduates of our university.

In addition, MPEI and KSTU are founders of the Russian-Kyrgyz Consortium of Technical Universities (RKCTU).

Создан в 17.05.2024 15:42 пользователем: Малышева Евгения Анатольевна
Изменен в 17.05.2024 15:43 пользователем: Малышева Евгения Анатольевна
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