
MPEI students represented Russia at the International Cultural Festival in China


On May 26, 2024, the 5th International Cultural Festival, which has become a traditional annual event, was held at the North China Electric Power University (NCEPU). On this day, international students of the university, including MPEI students, represented their countries, demonstrating the richness and diversity of cultural traditions.


The festival organization was divided into two parts. The first part included performances on stage, where participants showed their creative performances. The second part was devoted to the presentation of national stands, where the guests could get acquainted with the culture of different countries.

Eight students took part in the festival from MPEI. The team represented Russia with a bright and memorable performance, singing the famous song “Katyusha”. The costumes for the performance were kindly provided by the Russian Cultural Center of China.


At the Russian stand, guests tasted traditional Russian pancakes and kvass. There was also a matryoshka doll coloring contest, which aroused great interest among visitors. There were also mobile games in which the children actively competed. The stand was decorated with Russian attributes, creating an atmosphere of festivity and hospitality. Moreover, MPEI students took the 1st place at the festival for their performance of the song Katyusha, and the stand took the 3rd place.


The event was held on the campus and gathered many students and professors who enthusiastically supported the participants and enjoyed a variety of cultural programs. The festival once again confirmed its importance as a platform for intercultural exchange and strengthening of friendly ties between students from different countries.

Read more about the cooperation between MPEI and China here.

Создан в 04.06.2024 10:16 пользователем: Малышева Евгения Анатольевна
Изменен в 04.06.2024 10:16 пользователем: Малышева Евгения Анатольевна
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