
GEIDCO at MPEI branch in Tashkent


On June 22-25, Secretary-General Wu Huan led a delegation of the Global Energy Interconnection Development and Cooperation Organization (GEIDCO) to Uzbekistan to discuss clean energy and interconnection strategies.


The delegation consisted of Hu Ming, Deputy General Manager, Cooperation Bureau, Wang Peng, Deputy General Manager, Operations Bureau, Wang Zhe, Deputy Director, Strategy and Planning Division, Development Bureau, Liu Hinchang, Operations and Analysis Division, Operations Bureau, and Chen Xupeng, GEIDCO's representative for Eastern Europe-Central Asia.


On June 23, 2024, in Tashkent, there was a meeting of MPEI administration of the MPEI branch in Tashkent with GEIDCO representatives.


During the working meeting, Hojakbar Daliev, MPEI Executive Director, and Ahmed Iskenderov, Deputy Executive Director for Academic and Educational Work, provided detailed information on the activities and achievements of the university. Wu Huan, Secretary General of GEIDCO, made a proposal on the possibility of cooperation in areas of mutual interest, particularly in the electric power industry. Wang Zhe, Deputy Director of the Strategy and Planning Department, Development Bureau of GEIDCO, made a presentation of the World of Energy Interconnection platform which is the world's first digital platform designed to foster international cooperation in the development of the global electric power industry.


The delegation participants were also given a familiarization tour around the campus of the Branch. During the tour, the participants of the delegation were accompanied by the administration, personnel and MPEI professors. They visited the laboratory of the university, as well as sports and hotel complexes.

At the end of the meeting, the parties agreed to continue negotiations on mutual cooperation in the development of electric power industry, science and education.


At the end of the meeting, the parties exchanged memorable gifts and souvenirs.

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