
MPEI and AUPET discussed personnel training for the power engineering industry



On July 11, 2024 in Astana MPEI together with the Almaty University of Power Engineering and Telecommunications (AUPET) took part in the meeting of the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, dedicated to training of personnel for the energy industry.

The discussion was attended by heads of major energy companies, including Samruk-Energy JSC, KEGOC JSC, CAEC JSC, Kazakhmys Energy PLC, Eurasian Group LLP, Kazakhstan Utility Systems LLP, Kazakhstan Electrical Power Association.


The meeting emphasized the need for joint efforts of universities and production companies to address the shortage of personnel in the energy industry. Gani Nygymetov, Rector of AUPET, suggested that power engineering companies join the university's industrial council and together solve issues related to the qualified personnel shortage. Participants also discussed new initiatives such as financing of targeted grants for training of power engineering companies' employees.


On MPEI side, Alexander Tarasov, Vice-Rector on International Relations, took part in the meeting. MPEI looks forward to contributing to the organization work of the Targeted Training Center on AUPET basis. This will make it possible to train qualified personnel meeting the requirements of companies.


On July 12, 2024 Alexander Tarasov visited AUPET in Almaty. A meeting with the AUPET administration was held. Participants discussed the issues of development of dual-diploma programs, creation of a center for targeted training and the MPEI branch in Kazakhstan. In addition, Vice-Rector on International Relations paid a visit to the university laboratories and the site of the planned development of the new AUPET campus in Kaskelen.

Watch the video of the event here.



MPEI and AUPET are long-standing partners. Since 2008, the project of joint training of students of technical directions of AUPET under the program of correspondence bachelor's degree of MPEI in economics has been implemented. To date, 800 people have participated in the program. Since 2010, the two universities have been involved in the implementation of master's degree programs within the Shanghai Cooperation Organization University. AUPET master students have repeatedly undergone internships at the related MPEI departments.

Read more about the cooperation between MPEI and Kazakhstan here.


Создан в 15.07.2024 15:42 пользователем: Бородина Алена Максимовна
Изменен в 15.07.2024 16:31 пользователем: Горбунова Анна Олеговна
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