
Symposium in Energy sector of USCO in 2019


From the 17th to the 20th of October 2019 the fourth annual Symposium in Energy sector of University of Shanghai Cooperation Organization took place on the basis of North China Electric Power University in Beijing. The Energy Symposium has been designed to strengthen the relationship between the universities of the member countries of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, work in the field of energy to create a platform for academic exchanges, increase mutual trust and support, and promote the strategic development of the SCO member states.
The main goal of the Symposium was to strengthen the ties of cooperation in the domain of power engineering research and training of professionals in the field of power engineering.
The symposium comprised Chinese universities and Russian ones that were represented by MPEI, South Ural State University, Novosibirsk State Technical University. Mongolian and Tajik countries were also present, by Mongolian Science Technical University and Tajik State Technical University.
In frames of the symposium MPEI was represented by Rinat Nasyrov, associate professor of the Power Electrical Systems Department He made a report on the topic "Modern teaching methods in the electric power industry” and Mikhail Tyagunov, professor of the Hydropower Engineering and Renewable Sources Department, represented his report on the topic of "Distributed energy systems with self-balancing energy nodes".
In course of discussion, colleagues from partner universities were sharing their experience in different domains of power engineering, presenting the statistical data of USCO, discussing the experience of cooperation between universities of partner countries and proposing variants for this cooperation aimed to the raising the quality of education in power engineering domain.​

Создан в 30.10.2019 17:20 пользователем: Малышева Евгения Анатольевна
Изменен в 30.10.2019 17:20 пользователем: Малышева Евгения Анатольевна
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