MPEI team participation in the International Competition in robotics «EUROBOT».

​MPEI International Division informs that to participate in the International competitions in robotics "EUROBOT" and for the purpose of professional development MPEI team was sent to the city of La-Ferte-Bernard (France) including Head of the Department and two students. Actions took place from May 7 to May 13, 2013, more than 400 experts, Ph.D.-students, School and University students from 12 countries took part in them.

During competitions there had been studied a new educational technique of teaching on mechatronics and robotics, connected with realization of the International competitions of robots created by school and university students.

By results of participation in competitions in robotics, in work of Round table, in master classes and seminars on robotics of leading universities of France, Germany, Italy, Switzerland, Russia MPEI team members got certificates of EUROBOT participants.


During competition in robotics EUROBOT, France. 

During competition in robotics EUROBOT, France.