MPEI foreign alumni meeting in 2013.

​MPEI International Division informs that from May 27 to June 2, 2013 there had been a regular meeting of MPEI foreign alumni. 18 alumni from 11 countries participated in the meeting: Algeria, Bulgaria, Vietnam, Hungary, Germany, Cuba, Mongolia, Poland, Serbia, Syria, and Czech Republic.

On the 28th of May there had been the meeting of participants with the International Division management and there had been discussed questions of the policy in MPEI in the field of internationalization of university, features of foreign students recruiting, the organization of foreign students preparation.

Participants of MPEI foreign alumni meeting in 2013 with International Administration 

Participants of MPEI foreign alumni meeting in 2013 with International Administration

MPEI alumni briefly told about the work activity and emphasized that an education in MPEI gave the chance to them to achieve considerable successes in various areas of science and production.

On the 29th of May in Small Assembly Hall there had been a meeting of the management of university with foreign alumni. At the meeting there were also the alumni of MPEI who now are training in postgraduate study. At this meeting alumni received information on modern life in "MPEI, about training problems for foreign countries, about need in increase of University science role and other actual problems (photo 143)

Participants of MPEI foreign alumni meeting in 2013 with MPEI and Rector and MPEI Administration 

Participants of MPEI foreign alumni meeting in 2013 with MPEI and Rector and MPEI Administration

In conclusion of the action there had been a solemn dinner where our guests warmly thanked the management of "MPEI for opportunity to arrive in Moscow and to visit our University, told about themselves, cheerfully remembered the student's years. Foreign alumni noted the high education level, received in MPEI and expressed warm gratitude to professors of the Institute who has given profound knowledge that helped to find them the road in work life.​​