MPEI participation in shootings of the documentary about Li Peng — the former Premier of the State Council of the People's Republic of China, MPEI graduate.

​MPEI International Division informs that on June 5, 2013 shootings of the documentary about Li Peng were carried out at MPEI.

Li Peng — statesman of China, the fourth Premier of the People's Republic of China, between 1988 and 1998, the Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress from 1998 to 2003. He is MPEI graduate and MPEI Doctor Honoris Causa.

In 1947 he began studying at the Institute of Natural Science (the former Beijing Institute of Technology) in Yan'an. In 1948 he was sent to study at the Moscow Power Engineering Institute, majoring in hydroelectric engineering. During his study, Li Peng was the Chairman of the Chinese Students Association in the Soviet Union.

In 1979 he became the Vice-Minister of Power Engineering Industry of the People's Republic of China. Since 1981 has served as the Minister of the above mentioned sector.

In 1982 Li joined the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China. In 1985 became a member of Secretary of the Communist Party of China, in 1987 was elected to the Politburo of Central Committee of CPC. Since 1983 he has worked as the Vice-Premier of State Council of China. In 1988 he became the Premier of the State Council.

In 1995 the title "MPEI Doctor Honoris Causa" was appropriated to him for an outstanding contribution to the development of the international system of higher education and fruitful joint work with MPEI in the field of Hydro Power and Electrical Engineering.

On June 5, 2013 a delegation of producers and cameramen of Phoenix Satellite Television, one of the leading channels of satellite television in China, visited MPEI. The Chinese party was interested in the information about the years of Li Pend`s studies at MPEI (from 1949 to 1954). During all time of the visit shootings of the documentary about Li Peng`s life were carried out.

Chinese former Prime Minister Li Pen during his education on MPEI in 1940s 

Chinese former Prime Minister Li Pen during his education on MPEI in 1940s