President of Shanghai University of Electric Power visited MPEI

International Division informs that on the 5th of September, 2014 a delegation from Shanghai University of Electric Power (SUEP) headed by President of the University visited MPEI. MPEI and Shanghai University of Electric Power are members of permanently working International Academic Forum for the Development of Electric Power Technologies – ADEPT which integrates Universities from 5 continents.

The president of the Shanghai University LI Hexing arrived to Russia for the first time to discuss issues on cooperation with MPEI, in particular creations of joint scientific laboratory in the field of power engineering. Mr. LI Hexing was given a cordial welcome by MPEI Rector Nikolay Rogalev. Within the meeting there was especially emphasized long-lasting friendship between MPEI and Chinese universities and organizations, effective cooperation within SCO University.

Following the results of the meeting there was reached agreement on preparation of interaction program between our Universities on the near-term prospects and reviewing of issues on enrollment of students on exchange from Shanghai in MPEI, and also cooperation in the field of exchange of professors.