
Heads of power engineering areas of Cuba at internship at MPEI


On April 26, 2024, Nikolay Rogalev, MPEI Rector, hold a meeting with a group of interns from among the managers and leading specialists of the Cuba State electricity company Unión Eléctrica (UNE) and the Technological University of Habana José Antonio Echeverría (CUJAE) at MPEI. Alexander Tarasov, Vice-Rector on International Relations, and Anastasia Mashkova, Director on Integration Policy Development, took part in the event on MPEI side.


During the meeting Nikolay Rogalev, MPEI Rector, welcomed the newly arrived interns, wishing them success in mastering the programs. In addition, Nikolay Rogalev noted the importance of working out the issue of opening MPEI Center for targeted training in the Republic of Cuba. The initiative of opening belongs to Ramiro Valdes, Commander of the Republic of Cuba.


The parties discussed the progress of joint efforts to prepare the methodological base for the future Center and elaborated on the issues of the need to implement the final stages to launch the project. The spring internship participants included members of the UNE and CUJAE working groups on the Center's project implementation. During their stay at MPEI, they will hold a number of strategic meetings and activities in order to achieve significant progress.


The spring internship programs for Cuban specialists of the 2024-2024 academic year started in April and supposes a detailed study of such topics as electricity market pricing and increasing the efficiency of electricity consumption, control and regulation systems for turbines, power plants, distributed generation and hybrid RES generation systems with MPEI lecturers. The internship programs will be undergone under the supervision of leading professors at the departments of "Electrical Power Systems", "Management in Power Engineering and Industry", "Thermal Power Plants" and "Hydropower and Renewable Energy Sources". Internship programs are implemented within annual quotas of the Government of the Russian Federation for the training of foreign citizens, in particular from the Republic of Cuba.


The internship provides participants with an exceptional opportunity to learn about modern technologies and innovations in the power engineering sector, exchange experience with experts from both MPEI and backbone companies in Russia, and take part in practical training in the field of management and operation of production facilities. During the internship, Cuban managers and specialists will take part in research projects, visit production facilities of PJSC Rosseti, PJSC Mosenergo, JSC UEC and JSC UNECO, which will provide an opportunity to learn about the latest advances in power engineering research and technology.


MPEI is a leader in the field of power engineering, electrical engineering, radio engineering, electronics and information technologies. The University has an extensive material and technical base, highly qualified professors and conducts quality research in the power engineering industry, which is of great professional interest to the industry specialists of Cuba. Thus, the number of Cuban candidates for professional internship this academic year has doubled over the last year enrollment.

At present, within educational interaction between MPEI and the Republic of Cuba, 47 leading specialists and managers of the power engineering industry of Cuba are trained at MPEI under master's degree programs, training of scientific and pedagogical personnel (Ph.D.-studies) and additional professional education in the field of electrical and thermal power engineering, power engineering, hydropower and renewable energy sources, management and information security.

Создан в 02.05.2024 11:14 пользователем: Малышева Евгения Анатольевна
Изменен в 02.05.2024 15:49 пользователем: Малышева Евгения Анатольевна


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